Untitled (Voyeur), 2023, oil on canvas, 18 inches by 24 inches
Untitled (Microwave), 2023. oil on canvas, 15 inches by 28 inches
Drawing of Drawing of Portrait of Elvis, 2023, pastel on paper, 14 inches by 11 inches
Plaid, 2023, acrylic on paper, 14 inches by 11 inches
Moire II, 2023, wax and plaster on drywall with cornerbead frame, 30 inches by 30 inches by 1 inch
Moire I, 2023, wax and glue on wooden board, 18 inches by 12 inches by 1 inch
Value Scale, 2023, HDMI display, piece of projector, and bread, 65 inches by 36 inches by 24 inches
video: Aristophanes’ Paradigm of Love
Reciprocal Altruism, 2023, wood, cotton, paper, acrylic, latex, wax, wire, and L-brackets, dimensions vary